Compiled together with Lindy Stiebel.
Memories of Inanda: Edward Ximba
Mwelela Cele interviews Edward Ximba as part of the Memories of Inanda documentary, produced for the eThekwini Municipality’s Ulwazi Programme. Mr Ximba discusses the Shembe Church.
Nazareth Baptist Church (Alternatively called “The Nazarite Church” “iBandla lamaNazaretha”, or the “Shembe Church”) is an African Initiated Church founded by Isaiah Shembe in 1910.
It has approximately 4 million members. The religion bans smoking, drinking, and fornicating. It is seen as a mixture of Zulu tradition and Christianity. It reveres Isaiah Shembe as an African Messiah and emphasises the Ten Commandments.
Profile piece ‘Brothers Green’ in Sunday Tribune
Interviewed for an article in the Sunday Tribune.